Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The Collector Rediscovered

Edward Gorey's Elephant House

I have nothing but collections. Collections of lines... of studies... of things that would be art - gathering dust on shelves, in corners, in fleeting thoughts too soon to disintegrate. I have nothing but lines of books - empty or incomplete texts, saved for someday when the thoughts might be completed. When the lost become found or rediscovered. I am the elephant house but without shell and shelf - without room or stair. I am incomplete and waiting - for space, for time, inspiration, encouragement. [1.25.04]

Elephant House: Or, The Home of Edward Gorey. Kevin McDermott
You Are Here: Personal Geographies and Other Maps of the Imagination. Katherine Harmon
Squeak Carnwath: Lists, Observations & Counting Squeak Carnwath.

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