Friday, April 01, 2011

More Studio Pics

Because we're geeks and love our new space:

The new mascot of the studio: Bent Tuba

Tracy's actually working on stuff

The make-shift kitchenette (and vacuum table)

Stu Stu Studio!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

And Now the After...

shots of the studio:

Tracy behind our $35 Library table
My side of the studio - quite messy
 the vacuum table 
reclaimed bookcase

It's Been A Long Cold Winter

Actually, less cold than long - as it's been ages since I last posted here.

But, now we're thawing out & we're doing so in a new studio space!  We lucked upon an old elementary school classroom, about 3-4 times the size of our previous space (aka the guest room). So we've been working getting all of our supplies and equipment moved over from the apartment and the storage locker (and after 4 weekends, we're almost done!).

Here are some pics of the space as it was before we moved in (I'll try to take some 'after' pics today):


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